

Justin Baltz


  • Justin does amazing photographs! I was lucky enough to be a part of a contest to be entered to win one of his photos!

    Brian Szekeres

  • Nice images. We met last Tuesday night / Wednesday morning out at Pawnee Grasslands. I arrived back at my home in Littleton this morning at 7 a.m. I placed some images on my website tonight. gittphotograpy.com. Be well and I love your work!

    Bernie Gitt

  • Wow. Justin’s work is absolutely stunning and his customer service is top notch. Purchase his work now while it’s affordable before he blows up and you can’t afford it. Thanks for everything Justin! Looking forward to purchasing more of your work.

    Kyra Pringle

  • Thank you Justin , I really enjoyed the trip with you guys. I feel like I learned a lot and look forward to doing more workshops with you.
    Thanks for the trip

    Richard Edelen

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